Friday, September 7, 2012

A Purity Ring A Promised Post

     Yesterday, I was at Red Lobster with my dad, celebrating my Birthday, (which is tomorrow) when he gave me my purity ring. A purity ring (encase you don't know what they are) is a promise and a reminder to you and your parents that you will remain pure. The ring goes on the engagement finger, and when you become engaged, the ring goes to the other hand, and when you're married, the father takes the ring off of the finger before he gives the bride away. Anyway, here's a picture of it. :)

And here's the picture I promised in the previous post. I have to wear a slip underneath it. Always make sure and look at it in the light before you wear it out in public so you don't have this problem. Anyway, here it is!

It's very hard to find slips, but I'm pretty sure they have them at JC Penny, or if you don't like to shop there, they have some at Macy's, Nordstrom, or if you can't find any there, they might have some online. Or, I have some friends who just put a lighter skirt underneath it. :) Happy hunting! :)